Your Clients can now

Browse, Book or Buy INSIDE your Business 24/7/365

Relaunching the search list/directory/collection of Real World Businesses soon.

Back-up your ENTIRE Business online, without …

  • No Rent (It’s Digitized.)
  • No Staff (AI can Talk & Type 24/7/365.)
  • No Stock (It’s Digitized.)
  • No Ad Spend (The Business is “listed”, or can be linked to directly, so ALL your products/services are seen for FREE.)
  • No Tech Stuff (Design is the layout of the business.)
  • No Riots or Theft Threats (It’s Digitized.)
  • No Weather threats like Floods, Hurricanes/Cyclones, Tornadoes, Fire etc. (Its Digitized.)
  • Get time back to provide Customer Service like NEVER before.

WHY NEED STAFF THEN? To Deliver amazing experiences to clients.


If we help you Digitize & List your business in just 1 week with only …

1 Form – 1 Knowledge Base – 1 Booking and guarantee visiting customers INSIDE your business 7 days after that …, For Minimum wage, would you be interested in learning more? 

Now, clients can visit INSIDE, 24/7/365.

The Difference
To see samples of Digitized Businesses and what this looks like, click any of the buttons on this page. 

Need More?

“Customized Package” Coming Soon

Q&A & Why Browzor?

What is the best story or beginning for the highly probable future we are entering?

What is a Digitizeded Business?

  • It’s a Digitized Franchise of the Interior of your Business and clients can visit it online from anywhere with internet connectivity.
    • From… Home, Office, Traffic, Across the street, Planes, Boats, Taxis, Alaska or the middle of Africa.
  • Shareable via a Phone, Tablet, Laptop, PC, Smart TV’s or Immersive Goggles.
  • Navigation is intuitive vs. legacy 2d websites.
    • The difference is browsing and picking vs. scrolling & clicking.
  • With the AI tools, we built in…
      • Rather than static assumptions via websites, funnels, or pre-built bots,  360 Tours with built-in, smart AI, allows for conversational and visual solutions as requested, not because they are suggested.
        • People and experts will fight the simplicity of this, but this is the future, and I dare them to differ.

Why Digitize a Business?

  • Cost : 
    • What is your …
      •    Rent Cost?
      • + Staff Cost?
      • + Stock/Equipment Cost?
      •    On Browzor, all that is the cost of the  Listing option a business finds most relevant at any given time.
  • Complexity?: Isn’t it interesting to think that a Website with design and SEO, Fonts, Colours, Copy, Images, Certificates, and the 12 + other optimization things are more complex today than simply Digitizing your business?
  • Expertise?: Very few business owners know how to create a Website, but EVERY business owner knows his business. This makes sense then to Digitize it, doesn’t it?

What is the effort involved for a business owner?

  • In short …
    • 1 Form
    • 1 On-Site Booking. (If needed.)
    • 1 Week later you are live.
      • (If you pick Optimize or Automate, it will include your provided business information as well as the supplied product/service knowledge base.

Why Browzor?

    • We combined several industries, products & services into our 1st iteration V1/5, and the 1st to do so. (What’s next you ask? 🙂 
    • We’ve been doing this since 2019 and now is the time.
    • Currently, Browzor is the only searchable listing service of its kind and is impartial to software/hardware providers. We love 360 and our mission is to grow the industry without favourites. (Reality tends to sort that out automatically.)
    • Our AI options are ahead of most and you have the option to be backed up by 3 LLMs. (Large Language Models has outages too.)
    • Our roadmap does not just consider Businesses, but we are actively working towards income solutions for all as we move towards the Age of AI. Good and amazing as that could be, it will also disrupt or change “jobs” faster than we have ever seen. This pace is unusual for us.
    • Built-in promotional solutions will be rolled out with natural growth. 
    • Multi-Lingual. Traveling or visiting somewhere? If a Browzor business is “Optimized”, ask away in several languages.
    • Updates are automatically applied for the very next visitor. (Simplicity is the big disrupter and you can change the price or the information of a product/service faster on Browzor than in real life.)
    • 150+ features on offer and each has a benefit. That is why we’re sharing training over time so you’ll know which 5-6 works best with your business. (Like apps on your phone, you do not need it all, but should apply those that assist your business, as well as your clients.)
    • … and a lot more, but let’s move on.

What is coming?

  • AI can Talk & Robots can walk. Competing with these technologies will certainly be a challenge up to and around 2030 and after that, who knows? I highly suspect even the economy would have out-debased itself by then. 
    • That being said, a Digitized business with added AI (Level 2 Listing +) does not have to compete. The AI essentially competes with other AI’s.
    • What this means is that it leaves the “competition” between AI-enabled businesses to see who can create the best experiences for their clients. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
    • Note: This also means that teaching your business to compete is key, and that experience, like everything else, comes with time.
  • Again: The Biggest Disruptor is SIMPLICITY. If your business is visitable online, and all of the new client’s questions, INSIDE your business online are answered, perhaps even booked or products ordered, who will then “search” for another Total Solution to maybe find your competitor’s business?
    • What if the client has more questions, or a complaint, or a compliment? Just check the conversational summary the next morning and blow them away with amazing customer service. Simplicity will kill businesses that do not understand how to charge for that. (Watch out for this topic in the training.)

Any Predictions Johann?

  • Just One which would suggest that Customer Experience is the only thing in my opinion that businesses compete on. Everything else will be simplified over time.
    • Now that Clients can Browse, Book, or Buy INSIDE any business at any time and on any device, whilst being supported by friendly AI…
    • Businesses no longer compete on Ad Spend Budgets, only.
    • Businesses no longer compete on Pricing, only.
    • Businesses no longer compete on Open Hours or selection, only.
    • All Businesses compete on Customer Experience. The business that delivers on the product orders or service bookings the best and makes the extra effort towards customer experience probably wins.
      • Somehow, I could not think of a better thing to compete on, because customers who love a business that creates amazing experiences, also make that business want to go back and create more of it, for more clients, making it gain market share naturally.
        • Apart from freedom, isn’t this the thing entrepreneurs want to have and …
        • Isn’t this the thing that makes us human? 

“Browzor is not a Business Listing website with AI options.

It is, at heart, an effort to test the opportunities, find our feet, and carve out our contributions as humans in an increasingly digitized world.”

 “Things have changed, but we are amazing at adapting to it.”

We’ll see you INSIDE your business. Johann

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