Solutions: Simple Frictionless & Quick to action.

Out of the Box:

  1. Digitized Business
  2. Conversational AI built in.
    1. Edit data anytime via a simple Google Sheet.
  3. Products, Services & Special Offers are displayed via Card showing …
    1. Name
    2. Short Description
    3. Image
    4. More Info

Note: This is the Simplest, Frictionless & Actionable base option we could create.

    1. For most Local Businesses this is a lot better than just a website with Social Media Ads. Why? Because people can visit you 24/7/365 and you get all the benefits and upgrades we generate as included.

Niches we solve for at the moment:

We would LOVE nothing better than to serve EVERY NICHE, but that is just not possible at this level. So … we’ll do it one at a time and add a Niche Specialist Field under “Services” for any niche request with enough volume. Naturally, they get the benefit for their contribution to you.

  1. Food & Drink:
    1. Why, because the future of human value generation are experiences and why not start with an industry that shares that with friends. 
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